Frontend Development:

Frameworks and Libraries: Choose a JavaScript framework or library for frontend development. Popular choices include React.js, Angular, or Vue.js. Leverage libraries like jQuery for DOM manipulation if needed.

AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML): Understand AJAX for making asynchronous requests to the backend. Use Fetch API or XMLHttpRequest for handling data asynchronously.

User Interface (UI): Design a responsive and user-friendly UI for interacting with the database. Implement features such as forms, input validation, and user feedback.

State Management: If using a framework like React, understand state management concepts. Manage application state efficiently for a dynamic user experience.

Authentication and Authorization: Implement user authentication for secure access to the frontend. Handle user roles and permissions to control access to certain features.

Data Binding: Use two-way data binding for seamless interaction between the UI and backend data. Keep the UI synchronized with the database. Backend Development: Using JavaScript (Node.js) or Python:

Server-Side Frameworks: For JavaScript: Use Node.js with Express.js or another framework like Nest.js. For Python: Use Flask or Django for building the backend.

Database Integration: Connect to the database using an appropriate driver or ORM (Object-Relational Mapping). Execute CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on the database.

API Development: Design RESTful or GraphQL APIs for communication between frontend and backend. Implement endpoints for data retrieval, manipulation, and other functionalities.

Middleware: Use middleware to handle tasks like authentication, logging, and request parsing. Ensure middleware components are well-organized and modular.

Security: Implement security measures such as input validation and protection against common vulnerabilities (e.g., SQL injection, XSS). Set up HTTPS for secure data transmission.

Error Handling: Develop robust error handling mechanisms to gracefully handle errors and provide meaningful feedback to the frontend.

Authentication and Authorization: Implement user authentication and authorization on the backend. Secure sensitive endpoints and data.

Testing: Write unit tests and integration tests for backend functionalities. Ensure proper error handling and edge case testing.

Scalability: Design the backend with scalability in mind. Optimize database queries and use caching where applicable.

Documentation: Create comprehensive documentation for the backend API. Include details on endpoints, request/response formats, and authentication mechanisms.

General Considerations:

Communication: Ensure effective communication between frontend and backend teams (if separate). Use clear API documentation for smooth integration.

Version Control: Use version control systems like Git for tracking changes in code. Collaborate with a team using branching and merging strategies.

Deployment: Deploy the frontend and backend separately or together, depending on your architecture. Use tools like Docker for containerization and continuous integration for automated deployments.

        <th><label for="name">Name</label></th>
        <th><label for="email">Email</label></th>
        <th><label for="password">Password</label></th>
        <th><label for="phone">Phone</label></th>
        <td><input type="text" name="name" id="name" required></td>
        <td><input type="email" name="email" id="email" placeholder="" required></td>
        <td><input type="password" name="password" id="password" required></td>
        <td><input type="tel" name="phone_num" id="phone_num"
        <td ><button onclick="create_User()">Create</button></td>



function create_User(){
    // extract data from inputs
    const name = document.getElementById("name").value;
    const email = document.getElementById("email").value;
    const password = document.getElementById("password").value;
    const phone = document.getElementById("phone").value;
    const requestOptions = {
        method: 'POST',
        headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',
            'Authorization': 'Bearer my-token',
    //url for Create API
    const url='/crud_api/create/' + name + '/' + email+ '/' + password + '/' + phone;
    //Async fetch API call to the database to create a new user
    fetch(url, requestOptions).then(response => {
        // prepare HTML search result container for new output
        const resultContainer = document.getElementById("result");
        // trap error response from Web API
        if (response.status !== 200) {
            const errorMsg = 'Database response error: ' + response.status;
            // Email must be unique, no duplicates allowed
            document.getElementById("pswError").innerHTML =
                "Email already exists in the table";
        // response contains valid result
        response.json().then(data => {
            //add a table row for the new/created userId
            const tr = document.createElement("tr");
            for (let key in data) {
                if (key !== 'query') {
                    //create a DOM element for the data(cells) in table rows
                    const td = document.createElement("td");
                    //truncate the displayed password to length 20
                    if (key === 'password'){
                        td.innerHTML = data[key].substring(0,17)+"...";
                        td.innerHTML = data[key];}
                    //add the DOM data element to the row
            //append the DOM row to the table
  <tbody id="table">
    <!-- javascript generated data -->

// Static json, this can be used to test data prior to API and Model being ready
const json = '[{"_name": "Thomas Edison", "_uid": "toby"}, {"_name": "Nicholas Tesla", "_uid": "nick"}, {"_name": "John Mortensen", "_uid": "jm1021"}, {"_name": "Eli Whitney", "_uid": "eli"}, {"_name": "Hedy Lemarr", "_uid": "hedy"}]';

// Convert JSON string to JSON object
const data = JSON.parse(json);

// prepare HTML result container for new output
const table = document.getElementById("table");
data.forEach(user => {
    // build a row for each user
    const tr = document.createElement("tr");

    // td's to build out each column of data
    const name = document.createElement("td");
    const id = document.createElement("td");
    const action = document.createElement("td");
    // add content from user data          
    name.innerHTML = user._name; 
    id.innerHTML = user._uid; 

    // add action for update button
    var updateBtn = document.createElement('input');
    updateBtn.type = "button";
    updateBtn.className = "button";
    updateBtn.value = "Update"; = "margin-right:16px";
    updateBtn.onclick = function () {
      alert("Update: " + user._uid);

    // add action for delete button
    var deleteBtn = document.createElement('input');
    deleteBtn.type = "button";
    deleteBtn.className = "button";
    deleteBtn.value = "Delete"; = "margin-right:16px"
    deleteBtn.onclick = function () {
      alert("Delete: " + user._uid);

    // add data to row

    // add row to table