What are the benefits of a team? Explain some of the diversities that your team has to offer.

  • The benefits of a team include communication, compromise, and the ability to compartmentalize, increasing our efficiency by designating roles to members who may be more proficient at certain skills than others, while also being able to complete multiple tasks simultaneously. Some of the diversities our team has to offer are knowledge of multiple languages and diverse computer science backgrounds.

Describe how you will facilitate communication amongst group members.

  • We will facilitate communication through Discord, Slack, and regular meetups in person to discuss our roles and monitor our progress.

How will you hold each person accountable for their portion of the work? Think about dates, review tickets, and peer reviews.

  • We will assign certain dates of which select portions of our work shall be done. We will have daily check-ins with our team to review our work, making sure that each person has contributed to their part.