Computer Science Lab Notebook

Unit1: Build a Lab Notebook

Install Tools. Design lab notebook. Learn GitHub Pages. Work with Pair (pair name).

Week Plans Hacks(Todo) Tangibles
0 - Daily Plan
- Tool Procedure ...
- Sample IPYNB w/ html,img
1 - Detail Plan
- Sample IPYNB w/ table,code
- Python Practice Quiz
- Review Ticket
2 - Week 2 Plan
- Calculator IPYNB
- Game of Life
- Python Quiz
- Tetris
- Calculator MD
- Snake Game
3 - Week 3 Plan
- Prem League Ranking
- Hangman
- Common Linux Commands
- Week 3 Review

Unit2: Learn Language

Learn (JavaScript|Python|Java). Start Agile development process.

Week Plans Hacks(Todo) Tangibles
4 - Week 4 Plan
- Python Dictionaries
- 1.1-1.4 Team Test
- Information on Database Development
- Information on Database Development
- Week 4 Review
5 - Week 5 Plan
- Web Programming Basics
- Identifying and Correct Errors
- Program Design and Development
- Team Teach
- Collaboration Review
- Program Function and Purpose
- Week 5 Review
- Review Ticket for Web Programming Basics
6 - Week 6 Plan
- Week 6 Review
- Login/Signup
7 - Week 7 Plan
- Data Abstraction
- Algorithms
- Week 7 Review

Unit3: Web Application, Data, and N@tM

Learning Web Applications and using APIs to create a N@tM project

Week Plans Hacks(Todo) Tangibles
8 - Week 8 Plan
- Boolean Expressions and Conditionals
- Iteration
- Week 8 Review
9 - Week 9 Plan
- Week 9 Review
10 - Week 10 Plan
- API HTML template code
- Week 10 Review
11 - Week 11 Plan
- College Board Quiz Notes
- Trimester 1 Review
- Week 11 Review
12 - Week 12 Review

Unit4: Warm-up Data Abstraction Project, Create Performance Task (CPT) kickoff

Begin Mini-project, use SASS, JavaScript. Tech talks will prepare for College Board Create Performance Task.

Week Plans Hacks(Todo) Tangibles
13 - Binary Lightbulb demonstration
- Deployment

Unit5: CPT design and development, Computer Systems, Networks, Impact of Computing

Continue CPT project design and development. Focus on College Board Units 4 and 5.

Week Plans Hacks(Todo) Tangibles
15 - Week 15 Plan
- The Internet Team Teach + Notes
- Routing and Computing Team Teach + Notes
- 5.1 Beneficial and Harmful Effects Team Teach
- Digital Divide Team Teach + Notes
- Week 15 Review
- P2 | SASS
- P2 | Python/Flask
16 - Week 16 Plan
- 5.3 Computing Bias Team Teach + Notes
- Computing Bias
- 3.8 Undecided Problems Team Teach
- Week 16 Review
17 - Week 17 Plan
- 5.4 Crowdsourcing
- Week 17 Review
- Blog for MCQ Quiz
18 - Week 18 Plan
- P2 | 5.5 Legal & Ethical Concerns Team Teach + Notes
- P2 | 5.6 - Safe Computing Team Teach + Notes
- Week 18 Review
19 - Python/Flask JWT Project Implementation Overview
20 - Javascript Login and Signup Pages Team Teach