Memories and Learnings

I have good memories from the beginning of the trimester when everything seemed very new to my partner and I. My favorite memory is when I created a table to track the statistics of several Premier League teams from the 2022-2023 season. I also remember the ideation process for our passion project, of which we drafted out several ideas and chose which one would be optimal for us.

  • I became familiar myself with js
  • I became especially familiar with Python and its pseudocode equivalents during the process of team teaaching
  • I learned how to become a frontend developer

Reflective Summary

I have learned an extensive knowledge on coding frontend and a narrow understanding on backend. My team and I were able to use html, javascript, and Python in order to code our passion project, and my partner projects.

I have also increased my understanding on the formatting of group projects in CSP, such as the use of scrum boards to utilize scrum masters and compartmentalization of roles to maximize efficiency. I hope that in the next trimester, I will be able to code the backend for my projects.